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[HOW TO]: Get AI To Write Your Book

by | Mar 15, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Before I begin, let me just say…

I LOVE getting emails from readers.

So don’t be shy about sending in questions, requests and feedback of any kind.

For example, here’s an email I got recently from Lee.

“Hi Nick, it would be great if you could give a practical breakdown on how to make digital products. I have been a subscriber for around 1 year, looking at how to develop digital products.

I am not computer savvy. I know the basics and I have read many articles on making digital products but I have never managed to proceed to the next step.”  

Well Lee, your wish is my command!

While ‘digital products’ is a huge subject area encompassing courses, membership sites, newsletters and downloadable printables like planners (all of which I’ll cover in the coming weeks)…

I’m going to start today with one specific type of digital product and give you a free mini-blueprint for creating it.

The Quick Start Guide to eBook Creation

First a definition…

For our home business purposes, eBooks include the kinds of non-fiction self-help books that you get on Amazon Kindle.

These are usually 15,000-30,000 words of useful information and practical advice, priced around £3-£10.

They can be about anything – from hobbies like DIY, fitness and gardening to business subjects like marketing, recruitment and sales, to self-help topics like motivation, planning and focus.

However, it’s not just about Kindle.

You can also sell eBooks directly from your own website or Facebook page at a higher price (£19, £27, £37 or more) – this will be because the information contains secrets they won’t find anywhere else… or because the info has a high reward value (for instance, perhaps it shows the reader how to make money, start a business, or invest for a retirement nest egg).

These kinds of eBooks are usually more like manuals, focussed on practical steps.

But eBooks can also include shorter guides and reports that you can use as ‘lead magnets’ – free digital products that people download in return for submitting their email address.

These are given away for on websites, social media pages and dedicated single-page websites known as ‘squeeze pages’.

They’re an excellent way to build an email list and gather a crown of dedicated, hungry buyers interested in a specific topic.

Whatever type you choose, the principles of a profitable eBook are the same:

  • It needs to help the reader achieve a goal, or overcome a problem.
  • It needs to offer practical and useful information.
  • And it needs to be written in a simple, everyday style

To achieve this without being a trained or experienced writer, I highly recommend you use AI as a tool, so this should be your first step.

How to Set Up Your AI

ChatGPT is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing tool that took the world by storm last year. It can write like a human, to order, depending on the prompts you give it.

And it can also carry out research, plan content and help you create marketing copy for listing your eBook.

Go to and register. I recommend upgrading to the paid version to get higher speeds, access to Chat GPT-4,  and assured usage during busy times.

Chat GPT has information in its database going up to April 2023. So for access to more recent data, you can use Gemini (Google’s AI, which used to be known as ‘Bard’). You can access that here:

Alternatively, try – it is great for summarising large texts and reports, turning it into fodder for your eBook.

All three of these systems use ‘prompts’, which is a form of command you enter, using everyday language, in order to get it to produce something for you.

I’ll give you some suggestions as we go along.

Okay, so let’s start with the planning phase.

How to Choose Your eBook Subject

The first question to ask yourself is…

“What is this eBook for?”

Is it a free eBook to use as a lead magnet?

I recommend you choose this option if you don’t yet have a website, product or large social media presence, as it’s a way of building up an audience.

It can be really short, between 3,000 and 10,000 words, therefore quick to create.

Is it an Amazon Kindle ebook?

This could be a good option for a beginner, because you can not only earn from eBook sales, but use the book to promote yourself and your services.

Because you are charging for this, the eBook should be over 10,000 words.

Is it a higher priced eBook you sell yourself?

If you are someone who already has an audience on social media, through an email list, or with a large blog following, then you could consider a higher priced eBook you sell directly.

It should have valuable, hard-to-find, practical information that you offer as an expert in a specific niche area, for instance, trading, betting, business, marketing and investing.

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The next obvious question is…

“Who is this eBook for?”

Before you begin you need a very clear idea of a target reader, who has a specific goal they want to achieve or a problem they want to overcome.

You’re not aiming to become a national bestseller here, so you don’t need to appeal to anyone and everyone.

Instead, focus on a defined niche, where there is a small-but-dedicated audience that is hungry for information.

I recommend beginning with:

  1. A subject area you know something about, so you can add your own angle


  1. A subject area related to an existing business, website or product that you are involved in

Start with the broad category, and get your chosen AI tool to narrow it down to some potential niches.

Here’s an example:

PROMPT: I am interested in writing an eBook about keeping your energy levels high but I would like to narrow it down to a more specific niche  – can you come up with X ideas.

You might get suggestions like these:

“Energy Boosting for Remote Workers: Stay Energised and Productive at Home”

“Vitality After 60: A Guide to Sustaining Energy and Thriving in Later Life”

“High Energy Nutrition: A Guide for Plant-Based Eaters”

“The Busy Parent’s Guide to Energy Management”

If one of those appeals to you, then use this prompt:

I like the idea of an eBook about how to [niche topic] Can you give me X exciting title ideas for that?

For example, if you like the idea of a book about staying energetic as an older person, Chat GPT might suggest:

“Golden Years, Vibrant Energy: Secrets to a Dynamic Life After 60”
Focus on transforming the retirement years into a period of vibrant energy and dynamic living. This book would offer insights into holistic wellness, covering nutrition, physical activity, and mental exercises, tailored specifically for those in their golden years.

“Energise Your 60s: A Comprehensive Guide to Age-Proofing Your Lifestyle”
Concentrate on preventative strategies to maintain high energy levels as one ages. Topics could include anti-inflammatory diets, strength training to combat muscle loss, brain exercises to ward off cognitive decline, and ways to integrate activity into daily routines.

If you already have a niche idea, you can get title ideas like this…

PROMPT: I want you to give me 5 exciting eBook title ideas based on the following keywords: digital products; seniors; retirement income

You’d get results like this;

  1. “Digital Gold Rush: Unlocking Retirement Wealth with Online Ventures” This eBook can guide seniors through identifying and seizing digital opportunities that align with their skills and interests.
  2. “Seniors’ Guide to Earning Online: Turning Digital Skills into Retirement Income”
    Aimed at helping seniors navigate the digital world, this book offers step-by-step instructions on acquiring digital skills and using them to create income streams.
  3. “Digital Gold Rush on Etsy: Crafting and Selling Digital Products for Retirement Income”. Guiding seniors through the exciting journey of designing, creating, and selling digital products on Etsy.

Once you have your niche and you’ve selected a title…

How to Plan Your eBook

Come up with a plan for the book – this should take the form of an outline, including chapter titles and a summary of what’s in each chapter, laid out in logical step-by-step order.

If this is tricky, then use AI – remember, if you’re not happy with what it suggests, you can ask it to adjust and tweak to fit your brief OR simply edit it into your desired shape yourself.

So let’s imagine you have chosen this idea generated by AI: “Clearing the Mist: A Guide to Overcoming Brain Fog and Enhancing Mental Clarity”

Use this prompt: Write me a detailed outline of this for a [number of words] eBook for [kindle/lead magnet].

Eg, Write me a detailed outline of this for a 25,000 word Kindle eBook,

You’d then get a structure planned out like this:


Understanding Brain Fog: Definition, symptoms, and why it’s more common in seniors.

The Impact of Brain Fog: How it affects daily life, mental health, and overall well-being.

Objective of the Book: Empower seniors with knowledge and practical strategies to overcome brain fog.

Chapter 1: The Science of Brain Fog in Seniors

Biological Changes with Age: Overview of how ageing affects cognitive function.

Common Causes of Brain Fog in Seniors: Medications, chronic conditions, nutrition, and lifestyle factors.

When to Seek Professional Help: Identifying symptoms that require medical attention.

Chapter 2: Nutrition for Mental Clarity

Brain-Boosting Foods: Essential nutrients and their sources (Omega-3s, antioxidants, vitamins).

Hydration and Cognitive Function: The role of water in clearing brain fog.

Dietary Plans and Recipes: Simple, senior-friendly recipes that incorporate brain-healthy foods.

Chapter 3: Physical Exercise for Enhancing Cognitive Function

And so on…

Just copy and paste the suggested outline into Word.

You can now adjust it – perhaps you want to avoid the nutritional advice aspect, in which case delete that, or perhaps there is something you’d like to add.

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When you’re happy, you’re ready to write…

How to Write Your eBook

Feed your outline back into Chat GPT (or Claude/Gemini) with this prompt.

Act as my writer. Let’s put this book together, step by step, beginning with [section]/ Write this for me in a [describe  your required style].

Eg.  Act as my writer. Let’s put this book together, step by step, beginning with ‘Understanding Brain Fog: Definition, symptoms, and why it’s more common in seniors.’ Write this for me in a warm, friendly style, explaining the issue in detail but avoiding complex jargon that my reader won’t understand.

You can do this for each small subsection of the introduction, then for each subsection of each chapter.

Each time, paste the resulting content into Word, piece after piece, so you build up the copy that way.

This is better than simply asking AI to produce the whole book, which usually results in it being lazy and making it too short and lacking in detail.

What I recommend is that after each small subsection is produced, you should look at it and ask yourself:

  • Is this missing something?
  • Can I add a practical tip here?
  • Could I recommend some resources?
  • Could I add some proof (stats, reports, studies, expert quotes)
  • Is there a personal insight I can add?
  • Does this sound like my personality?

You can then add this in manually, or get AI to seek out those extra bits and pieces (this is where Gemini and Claude come in useful, as they can gather relevant up-to-date facts).

Useful prompts include:

  • Are there any platforms, websites, resources, lists or databases that the reader can access?
  • Find me some evidence to back this up (studies, reports, etc)
  • Can you add some specific ways that the reader can [achieve goal].
  • In practical steps, explain more about how the reader can do this.

To inject some personality into the text, ask the AI to rewrite a section in a specific style. For example, witty, informal, sarcastic. Then use that prompt over and over when you are getting the AI to write your eBook,

For example:

PROMPT: I would like you to rewrite this section for me in the style of an excitable amateur enthusiast, with a good sense of humour. [INSERT THE TEXT

TIP: Always consider your audience – if your eBook is a lead magnet, they won’t expect painstaking detail, and you’ll want to keep the lead magnet short enough to read in one sitting.

However, if it’s a Kindle book, you want to make sure there are plenty of useful facts and compelling evidence to back them up.

And if it’s a higher priced eManual, then here’s where you really need to add as much value and hand-holding as you can.

Once you’ve added more facts, tips and detail into a section, then move onto the next, and the next….

When it’s done, you should have a rough first draft.

Use the word count checker to see how many words you have accumulated, which will give you an idea of whether you need to bulk the chapters out with more info.

How to edit your eBook

Go through the book, ideally reading it aloud, and make sure it makes sense and flows naturally. It could be worth printing it out and giving it to a trusted friend to read for you.

You will need to do some fact checking too…

One way to do that is to paste whole sections or chapters, then go to or Gemini and use this prompt:

Can you fact-check this for me: [PASTE CONTENT]

The book will also need an ‘about the author’ section at the beginning. You can get AI to write this by giving it the basic details of who you are, and why you have written this book.

For example, Can you write me an ‘about the author’ for my ebook? My details are: Sarah Jones. Ex-teacher. Mum of 5. Used to suffer from stress and anxiety from overwork and busy family life. Developed a series of techniques for dealing with it. Decided there weren’t enough books aimed at ordinary people on a tight budget who couldn’t afford therapies. Created this practical book for them.

Now you are ready to publish…

How to Publish Yourself

If you’re creating a lead magnet, you can use a PDF converter to turn the word document into text. Google “free PDF converter’ to find one.

If you have basic graphic design skills you can create your own eBook cover using Adobe Photoshop or Canva: A user-friendly online design tool with free and premium versions. It provides eBook cover templates that you can customise.

You can also try:

  • Fiverr: A marketplace for freelance services, where you can find designers at various price points.
  • Upwork: Another platform to hire freelancers, allowing you to post your project and receive bids from designers.
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Once the book is ready, you can offer it for free on a website or squeeze page in return for an email address,

How to Publish On Kindle

To create an account with KDP, go to the KDP website ( and click on the “Sign up” button. If you already have an Amazon account, you can use your existing login information. If not, you’ll need to create a new account.

  1. Set up your account information: Once you’re logged in, you’ll need to enter some basic information about yourself and your tax information. KDP requires you to enter your real name and address, as well as your tax information so that they can pay you your royalties.
  2. Verify your email address: KDP will send you an email to verify your email address. Click on the link in the email to confirm your account.

Before you upload a book on Kindle you need to format it properly to Kindle’s specifications so that readers can view the text in different sizes. It also allows readers to jump to useful chapters without having to scroll through.

  • Make sure that you haven’t page numbers in your Word doc. You don’t need page numbers because e-books are reflowable. The words adapt to any available font, text size, or screen.
  • be aware that tab spacing doesn’t convert to e-books. By that I mean, when you indent a paragraph by pressing the tab key (the usual way of doing it) it won’t get picked up by kindle. Instead, highlight all the copy. Set the line spacing to ‘single’. Keep the indents at 0″. Under ‘special’, choose ‘First Line; and then set the indent to 0.2″.
  • Only use hard returns (where you press ‘enter’ to start a new line) when you need to create a new paragraph or if you want to add an extra space between paragraphs (for instance when you need to start a new section).
  • Format all your chapter titles using the ‘Heading 1’ option in your toolbar.
  • Insert page breaks wherever your chapters end. This will tell Kindle that it needs to start a new page. In Word, pressing Ctrl + Enter adds a page break at the cursor’s current position.

Don’t panic too much about formatting. Because there is a tool to help you.

Go to Google and type in ‘Kindle Create.’

This will take you to this page where you can find a free piece of software for creating Kindle ebooks.

It also allows you to quickly review your book with a built-in Previewer to see how it will look to your readers on different tech devices, (phones, tablets and eReaders.)

You will need to write a piece of text to describe your book in a way that ‘sells’ the contents. It’s what you would normally read on the back cover of a regular paperback book. But instead, it’s going to appear on the Kindle page.

Get the AI to help you, by entering in the details of your book.

For example: Can you write me a compelling Amazon Kindle KDP book description for my eBook ‘£10,000 In 10 Days: The Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding Your First Business’. it gives the reader everything they need to raise £10K or more using Kickstarter.

To set a competitive price, you should research the prices of similar ebooks in your genre or niche.  But also consider the value which you are offering to readers in terms of benefits and life outcome.

Keep in mind that pricing your ebook too low can devalue it in the eyes of readers, while pricing it too high can make it less appealing..

You also need to choose royalty options.

A 70% royalty option is available for eBooks priced between £1.99 and £9.99. This is good if you want to maximise your earnings per sale. However, it does come with a minimum and maximum list price and distribution restrictions.

The 35% royalty option has no minimum or maximum price requirements and is available for eBooks distributed worldwide. However, the royalty rate is lower, which means that you earn less per sale.

What Next?

eBooks are just one of the many kinds of digital products you can create and sell…  from online courses, webinars and membership sites to planners, printables and artworks.

So if today’s blueprint hasn’t whetted your appetite, don’t worry, there’s plenty more to come!

And as I said at the top of this post, if there’s anything specific you’d like me to look into for this newsletter, do write in and let me know!

PS: If you’d like a detailed step by step blueprint on how to create and sell ebooks on Amazon Kindle, take a look HERE.


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