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My 8-Figure Freebie Secret

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

I recently sent you an email asking if you’d be interested in AI prompts to help with goal setting and habit tracking.

Did you get it?

If not, just reply to this email with a “YES’ and I’ll send you a copy. 

And if you did get the download, then I really hope you found it useful.

I have to say, the response to my original email was amazing.

I got hundreds and hundreds of ‘YES’ replies!

Even after decades of publishing, it’s still such a great feeling to see a response like that.

Apart from the warm fuzzy glow, getting lots of replies from an email is a sign that you are doing something right.

It shows that your service has what is known in the trade as ‘high engagement’.

In plain English that means lots of people open, read and respond to your messages.

When that happens, you cannot fail to succeed in business, (for reasons that you’re about to discover!) 

So today I want to give you a peak behind the curtains of my business to see exactly how my email method works – and how you can copy it to make money from almost any product or service. 

How Free Emails Make Money

Since I first started Canonbury in 2003 I’ve always shared free stuff with my subscribers and customers, primarily through my weekly emails 

(As you probably know, these are now thrice weekly and – yes – still free!)

So why do I do this…?

Why don’t I just stick everything behind a paywall?

Well, firstly, because I want to help you (yes, genuinely) – which means getting you to trust that I know what I’m talking about. 

Because after all….

If you don’t know me very well, then what better way to grow in your estimation than giving away something that is useful, interesting and relevant to you?

You’ll not only get to know me better…

It is far more likely that when you see my next email arrive in your inbox, you will open it and read it, because you expect something valuable to be in it.

You won’t think, “Oh no, he’s just going to ask me for money” and avoid it.

Instead, just as you did today when you clicked on the email, you’ll be curious to find out what I’m going to show you.

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And you might even reply to the email to ask me a question or give me feedback.

In which case I get to help you even more…

This way, I get to know what you’re interested in, and what obstacles you face, so that I can give you MORE great (free) content that you find useful.

See how it works?

It’s like a relationship, which builds over time, where both parties get to know each other better.

And it works through something called ‘reciprocity’, which is the practice of exchanging things with people for mutual benefit.

In this case, I give you free advice, resources, reviews, strategies and insights…

In return, you open my emails, respond to my messages and check out my products when I recommend them – which results in sales, and therefore an income.

This principle is ESSENTIAL for anyone who has an email list or is in the process of building one.

Here’s why….

Why Your Reputation Matters

Email is undoubtedly THE best marketing tool for anyone wanting to grow a business. 

Unlike social media, where people sometimes follow thousands of accounts, the inbox is a hallowed private space and usually limited to a small number of privileged senders. 

If you can get someone’s email address, you effectively get a direct hotline to them.

Because of this, email marketing remains one of the most cost-effective strategies, especially compared to traditional advertising channels. 

It also gets the highest levels of engagement – and in a way you can gauge precisely through metrics like ‘open rates’ (how many subscribers open the email) and click-through rates (how many click through to the links you put in the email).

This gives you valuable insights into your audience’s likes and dislikes, goals and desires. 

But it’s precisely BECAUSE it’s such a privileged space that email publishing comes with a big obstacle…

If you don’t have a good ‘sender reputation’ – ie, you’re a credible emailer who has permission from the subscriber to communicate with them – you will find yourself shut out of people’s inboxes. 

You see, email service providers have sophisticated filters that scrutinise emails based on criteria such as sender reputation, content, and recipient interaction (how subscribers have engaged with your emails in the past). 

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If an email seems suspicious or is from a sender with a poor reputation, it may be blocked or sent to the spam folder.

So you need to show that you’re a genuine emailer and not some sleazy spammer or hype-merchant.

That begins by having enough people regularly open your email and click on your links without complaint. 

But it goes deeper than that.

One of the best signs that you’re a genuine publisher who has a community of like-minded people on their list is to get them to actually REPLY to your email. 

So can you see why I offered you that AI prompt report in return for replying ‘YES’ to my email?

Of course, it was to give you something valuable and useful for free.

But it was also to make sure my sender reputation remains high, so that I can show email providers that I am the real deal, not some scamster. 

This is a technique you should definitely use too if you’re an emailer…

And one you should use in ANY aspect of life.

Why Engagement Grows a Business

In real life we all know someone who is an expert in something.

For example, it could be a friend who’s good at DIY.

When you have a crisis with a leaky roof or a broken fence, who do you ask?

Your DIY mate, naturally!

Or maybe you have a friend or family member who’s a really good listener and offers sage advice on relationships or emotional issues. 

When you have a problem, who do you call? 

Them of course!

This is how good online businesses work, too…

They draw people to them by giving away constructive, worthwhile advice… sharing insights and stories… or simply by being passionate, entertaining and interesting.

But it’s not just a one-way street…

Giving your time, knowledge and attention to other people for free, without demanding anything in return, will always pay dividends in life.

It draws people towards you…. deepens friendships… and builds you a good reputation in your community.

And if you ever need help – people will more gladly and readily give it to you.

That goes for businesses who offer free content, too. 

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They gather huge, dedicated followings of people who rely on them for support and help.

And in return, those followers will pay attention to their messages, content and sales promotions.

Best wishes


PS: Over the last 20 years I ‘ve applied the same ‘free’ email method in my own business and generated more than £42 MILLION in sales from it.

What’s more it’s something that can be COPIED.

Over the past decade, I have personally trained ordinary people without any previous experience to use my email marketing methods.   

From attracting new subscribers, to sending them content for free, to making sales (and not even from their own products, but other people’s!)

Every single one of them who put my techniques into practice went on to generate incredible returns.

Here are just a few of them:

  • One woman from the Cotswolds generated £6,398 and £14,799 banked six-figures using my approach.
  • The Essex-born printer who used my email method to bank £30,000 in a single day (ultimately he amassed more than HALF A MILLION working with me.)
  • An ex-pat Brit used it to pull in one-off windfalls of £2,320, £4,110 and £11,831 while lounging in his tropical villa/
  • And one of my students from Hastings banked £277,220.

If you are interested in getting the same training, then check out my PROSPERO programme.

And if you’re interested, I’ll hand over a step-by-step blueprint for my proven 8-figure email formula that you can copy without any previous experience, all in just a few hours PER WEEK…

  • I’ll personally coach and mentor you for 12 months while you set up and run your own profitable online business…
  • I’ll provide done-for you research and all the fill-in-the-blanks templates.
  • What’s more, I’ll give you exclusive access to ready-to-go products you can start selling and keep 100% of the profits for yourself… 
  • And I’ll give you access to YOUR OWN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ASSISTANT who will do most of the once-difficult jobs for you, dramatically reducing the time and effort you have to put in and get you to six-figures as fast as possible…

To find out more, take a look at PROSPERO.

And if you have any questions, just let me know in the comment section below! 😉


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