I recently wrote about why NOW is the best time to start a home business.
I finished my newsletter with a request.
“If you have obstacles that are stopping you – or worries you cannot get your head around – then let me know what they are.”
And it really seemed to strike a chord.
I got a flurry of emails in response, many of which were startling in their similarity.
“My biggest obstacle to making progress with online ventures is my own self confidence” said one reader.
They added that even when they DO hit upon a potentially profitable idea, they’re unable to pursue it “with the appropriate people in-the-know.”
Another reader said that one of their biggest obstacles is “procrastination” and they sometimes feel that only “counselling” would get them over the psychological hurdles.
“I’m lacking the confidence and ability to progress,” said another reader. “I sign up to schemes and just don’t proceed, I think it’s my mindset.”
It strikes me that what these people share in common is a sense of isolation – that feeling of being on your own, full of doubts, unable to proceed because you lack confidence and support from another person.
This makes you much more susceptible to those classic enemies of success – imposter syndrome, procrastination, and the temptation to leap at shiny new things instead of sticking with an existing project.
That makes a LOT of sense to me.
I’ve been lucky enough to have my wife not only as my life partner, but my business partner, going right back to when we worked at the same publishing house.
We use each other as sounding boards… as confidants… as mutually supportive parties driving each other on.
Most crucially, there is a sense of shared responsibility for what we each do.
If I feel lacklustre or distracted one week, I push myself to overcome it because I don’t want to let Heloise down.
If I get obsessed with a new idea for a project, Heloise makes sure that I also stay focussed on what we’re doing right now, so that I see it through.
And when something goes well, we can share in the rewards and congratulations, knowing that we achieved what we set out to achieve.
So I sympathise with you if you feel a little alone and directionless in your home business ambitions.
But I DO have a solution.
How Sharing Your Goals Will
Help You Achieve Them
One of the best ways to encourage yourself to be more confident and persistent is to let someone else know your plans and get them involved.
By that I don’t necessarily mean you get yourself a business partner (though that’s always an option, of course!)
Instead, you can get yourself what is known as an ‘accountability partner’.
It could simply be a psychological accountability, where a friend or family member shares your journey and knows what you hope to achieve.
For example, you might tell a friend that you plan to start selling on Amazon, and then send them a weekly or monthly update on your progress.
Or you might share your outline for an eBook with a trusted colleague and explain what you want to achieve from it.
Whatever the project is, should include firm targets in terms of dates, sales and income – make those goals tangible, rather than vague and wishful.
Even if you cannot meet up in person, and you only do this via email, text or video call, this will still work wonders.
By sharing your home enterprise plan with another person, you are more likely to follow through with it for fear of letting them down or looking flaky.
Your accountability partner can offer objective opinions, so that you aren’t left to grapple with your own self-criticism and negative bias. And they’ll be there to give you those nudges of encouragement when you need them.
When you DO start to make progress, they’ll share in your triumphs because they know why these are such important milestones. In turn, this will make you more motivated to hit future milestones.
So if you have an ideal person who springs to mind and you fancy asking for their help, I’ve pasted an email template below that you can tweak to give it your own ‘voice’.
You don’t have to use it word for word, so if there is anything that you feel uncomfortable sharing with your ‘success buddy’ just edit it out.
Subject: Can I ask a huge favour?
Hi [Friend’s Name],
I hope you’re well!
I’ve recently made a big decision and I wondered if you could do me a massive favour?
You see, I’ve decided that I want to start making my own income from home. This is because [GIVE BIG IMPORTANT REASONS, eg. STRUGGLING WITH DEBT OR WANTING TO MOVE HOUSE OR TO PAY FOR SOMEONE’S CARE ETC].
It could really change everything for me.
But the problem is, I’ve been struggling with self-confidence – constant doubts and worries are making me put off the project.
You’re someone I admire because [GIVE REASONS, eg. AN ACHIEVEMENT, EXPERIENCE, TALENT OR SKILL THEY HAVE] which is why I wanted to ask you for help.
I’m looking for someone to share my goals with, check in with now and then, and keep me motivated.
I was wondering if you might be up for doing that?
It wouldn’t take much on your part, but here’s what I have in mind…
We could have a chat via email or a quick call, whatever works best for you. I’ll share specific goals I’m working towards, and what my plans are.
(I’d love to hear about any goals you’re working on too, if you’re willing to share. We can offer each other encouragement!)
Then I could check in again with you once every month to let you know how it’s going.
I genuinely believe that this would make a significant difference in helping me stay committed to my goals. But no pressure at all – I know that you’re busy.
If you’re interested, let me know!
Many thanks!
How to Join an Online Work Gym
Asking a close friend, colleague or relation is the basic way to get an ‘accountability partner’.
But if you don’t have someone who fits the bill…. you’re too shy to ask… or you prefer something more structured… then you could try one of the many new online services that offer support for remote workers.
These’re sometimes described as ‘Online work gyms’, and they’re designed to offer a supportive, motivational environment for those who work from home or run a solo enterprise.
There are loads of them which you can find if you google ‘accountability partner apps and platforms’ – but here’s a selection to get you started:
- Goals Won https://www.goalswon.com/ This site connects you with a professional coach who offers daily support and guidance on your path toward achieving your goals. They offer a 7-day free trial, then it’s $90 a month.
- Caveday https://www.caveday.org/ They offer structured work sessions (“Caves”) with accountability partners from $39.99 a month with a 14 day trial.
- Flown https://flown.com/ This one uses the Pomodoro Technique (which I’ve recommended to you before) to boost productivity in small bursts of focused work and guided breaks with the help of an expert. Monthly membership from $25, free sessions on Fridays.
- Focusmate https://www.focusmate.com/ This gives you a ‘virtual work buddy’ for video-chat sessions. It offers a free plan and paid plans from $6.99/month. They have a Facebook group specifically for UK-based members.
- Deepwork https://www.deepwrk.io/accountability-partner-app This is a ‘body double app’ that helps adults with ADHD improve focus, motivation and task completion. They describe ‘body doubling’ as simply ‘doing a task in the presence of another person’.
I’d recommend trying one or two of these out, taking advantage of the free trials, to see how you get on, and if it works for you.
The key is to find a way to bring someone else into your project, even as a totally silent observer.
Just knowing that someone is keeping an eye on what you do can make you work harder, more persistently, and more conscientiously.
Does this advice help? Let me know!